To love or leave…
And some cry in between... Have you found or hunting your way through or you thought that you almost got your “prince charming”, well what makes you believe that even when you would meet your “MR RIGHT” or “ MR PERFECT ”…..things would move on easily from then now, trust me it’s no hunky-dory and who says falling in love is easy, forgetting about the pains and torture involved in convincing the supposedly “other half” that you are more than sure and know about the “eternal connection” between the two of you, phew and after all that proving of your love, I would still want to know from those who believe that falling in love is easy?? Falling in love is certainly not easy and equally or rather even more painful is to come out of it…..and do you even want to imagine a state in between?? Scary is the thought, and worse is the phase when you don’t know whether you are in love or out of it…but then people around would ask you how you feel or even cliché to close your eyes and try to figur...